If you have received the April Box/Bag, then you've also received the 3 full-size hair products from Dove.
Amplified Textures, is a new collection of ultra-moisturizing products for textured hair. That's right, Dove has not only created a line of products for multi-cultural hair, but they have also co-founded the long-overdue
Crown Act, an acronym that stands for Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair. This long-overdue law is the first legislation that passed at a state level to eliminate the discrimination of natural hairstyles worn by women, men, and children in school or the workplace.

For years, we have heard about minorities who were literally given ultimatums of wearing their hair a "certain" way to please "other" people in order for them to be accepted. Some lost their jobs, promotions, kicked out of school and, even threatened to be disqualified from athletic competitions. But recently, our voices have been heard loud and clear to end such discrimination. Thanks to a coalition of companies and organizations like Dove and National Urban League, Color of Change, and Western Center for of Law and Poverty, who joined forces with the leadership of CA, State Senator, Holly Mitchell who introduced the first bill to protect those who experienced racial discrimination based on hairstyles in the workplace or school unanimously passed the Crown Act in January 2019. This bill was later signed into law by on July 3rd, 2019 by CA, Gov. Gavin Newsom, who without hesitation was the first governor to make such a change.
“Where is the justice when black men and women are denied access to economic advancement because of their natural appearance?”
- Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-CA)

New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Colorado, and Washington have all followed this initiative and have also signed the Crown Act into law. States like Ohio and Maryland have passed the bill on a regional level for cities Cincinnati and Montgomery County. And that’s not all, Sen. Cory Booker of NJ and Congressman, Cedric Richmond of CA have introduced the Crown Act to both chambers in efforts to get this bill passed on a federal level.
The Crown Act State by State

Know your rights! Your hair is legally protected. If you have experienced any form of discrimination because of your hairstyle and your state has yet to pass this legislation, reach out to your state senator and sign the petition.

For more information on
Dove’s Amplified Textures in the
April Box, read more on how
Tradition Embraces Texture from the blog.