When you have a dream to start your own business, don’t ever let your circumstances hold you back. Carmen Cardoza always had a dream of starting her own company, but never in the midst of a pandemic. She put her fears aside and decided to start with what she had, her passion, determination, talent, and an idea. Today, this Graphic Designer, turned entrepreneur created Ebonii’s Moon, an online boutique with creative inspirational designs that have come to life in stickers and postcards. You will receive a full sheet of Carmen’s first design, It’s All Good Hair Days, in the September 2020 Box. You can add them to your planners, phones, or give to the little lady in your life, so she can be reminded to celebrate and embrace her natural hair. Find out more about this budding entrepreneur’s journey and the significance of the name Ebonii’s Moon.
What inspired you to start an online stationery boutique?
It’s always been a pipe dream of mine to have a brick-and-mortar workshop with used books, stationery, art and a space to create, but this year, 2020, pushed me to start where I am. The brick and mortar pipe dream is still there, but I felt this sense of urgency to offer bits of joy and love to people who look like me.
Where did the name Ebonii’s Moon come from?
Well, from the beginning I wanted to incorporate the word “moon” or “luna” to my shop name because the moon evokes a feeling of magic and creativity for me, but I couldn’t quite land on how to use the word. I also wanted to acknowledge color, so I decided to name the shop Ebonii (as in the ebony tree, as in black-brown). I was content with the name, but I felt like something was missing. It was important to me that the name be more evocative. Lo and behold, one day I was in my car listening to an interview with jazz singer, Candice Hoyes, where she talked about her new album, Zora’s Moon. The title track was inspired by a 1943 radio interview she heard between Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Margaret McBride, where Hurston talks about the idea that many children think the moon follows them. I loved that because I remember being a child thinking that the moon was following me. So, I got my answer and added moon to the shop name — Ebonii’s Moon.

What’s your professional background?
My background is complex but, in the end, it allowed me to become a well-rounded designer. I started out in the non-profit sector in information manager and eventually fundraising. This led to a migration into marketing communications which introduced me to web and graphic design. I’ve been a dedicated graphic designer now for about 11 years. I’ve primarily worked with startups and small businesses, and predominantly women-owned businesses.
What inspired you to make the It’s All Good Hair Days sticker?
Simply put, historically and culturally, the textured hair journey has been a painful one. I just wanted to contribute a light-hearted, sweet and embracing piece that celebrates the textured hair life and encourages self-love.
Other than using these cute stickers for your planner, what other suggestions do you have?
You can use them on objects such as laptops, phone cases, instruments, etc. They’re also sweet for snail mail, to include in care packages and gifting.
What was your first creation?
The Good Hair Days sticker sheet, the original, was the first creation for my shop. This was my first run at creating stickers. It’s a smaller sticker sheet with a pink background. I created a limited quantity of that first run but I included it in the shop and it’s almost sold out!

What are your top 3 products?
My shop is quite new so my inventory is budding, but so far, the Can a Girl Dream postcard is resonating with people and it’s one of my favorite illustrations. It was hand-drawn with love and I offer it as a single 3x3 sticker and in a 4x6 postcard. TheBack to School Safely and the It’s All Good Hair Dayssticker sheets are getting some love too.
What would you tell someone who wants to follow their dreams and create their own company?
Don’t wait for the circumstances to be perfect or just right to start something — that may never happen. Start where you are and take a step towards your dream, no matter how small. Activity manifests activity.
What’s next for Ebonii’s Moon?
I will be growing my shop’s inventory to include art prints, totes and enamel pins.
Each of our subscribers who get the September Box will receive a 4” x 6” sample sheet of Its All Good Hair Days stickers. What is the one thing you want them to know?
You are lovely, inside and out, top to bottom. Don’t allow this world to harden you. Stay kind and loving to yourself and others.
To keep up with Ebonii’s Moon follow her on Instagram.