Krystal, tell us who you are and a bit about what you do.
I’m a lifestyle blogger at my blog, The Feisty House, which is a space where creative women are encouraged to stay inspired, have faith, and live life to the fullest. I also teach blogging basics, like how to choose a platform and utilize SEO, how to design a blog and use Photoshop, and how to use social media to build a blogging community. I truly believe blogging is a great way to build a brand and meet like-minded people, but unfortunately a lot of people are overwhelmed when they launch a new blog and frustrated when they don’t see reader engagement. So I help new bloggers figure out how start a successful blog!

What inspired you to begin blogging at The Feisty House?
I started The Feisty House in 2009 when I started my “healthy hair journey.” Although I’d had natural hair my entire life, I was learning about using the right products and creating a regimen to take care of my natural hair the right way. I started The Feisty House as a way to share everything I was learning about my natural hair. The blog has evolved so much since then! It’s now a lifestyle blog that incorporates all the things that millennial women think about and deal with every single day: our beauty, our personal style, keeping house, traveling, our careers, and our spirituality.
We love the Dream Job features on your site; so many creative women are working toward committing full time to that thing they would do even if they didn't get paid. What is your favorite type of feature to publish?
I love the Dream Job features too! They are definitely one of my favorite blog posts on The Feisty House. I enjoy featuring creative Black women who are running their own businesses and enjoying success! It’s so inspiring! Many of these women have taken huge risks in becoming entrepreneurs, but those risks have paid off. I also like the Dream Jobs features because they show other photographers and artists and creators that they can make money doing what they love. And if you ask me, there’s no better job than that!
What do you like to do in your spare time? What types of activities make you happy and keep you inspired?
I don’t have a ton of spare time (in addition to blogging and teaching, I also work for a nonprofit full-time), but I love photography. I’m no good at it (my husband is much better), but I love taking photos in my spare time. I also love music, and I play the piano. Cooking also makes me really happy. I like to pretend that I’m on a cooking show when I’m home making a big meal. I even talk to myself…out loud. I mean, it’s a bit weird, but I think my husband has gotten used to it (ha!).
Let's talk style and beauty. How would you describe your personal style?
I don’t dress like your typical “creative.” I love colors and patterns, but I’m drawn to really simple and classic silhouettes, and I’m a little preppy. I rarely wear clothes that are short or tight (I prefer boyfriend jeans to skinnies, midi skirts to minis). I’m like a hip grandma who loves to mix prints and whose favorite place to shop is J. Crew (that’s actually a near-perfect description of my personal style).
What was the last fashion or beauty item you splurged on and really treated yourself?
I’m turning 30 in a few weeks and really wanted to up my skincare game, so I recently splurged on Crème de La Mer Moisturizing Cream. It’s expensive, but so worth it.

What is your favorite skincare product for combating the dry winter air in NYC?
Nothing has moisturized my skin like Crème de La Mer. I also love Josie Maran Argan Oil—just a little goes a long way. Oh, and here’s a tip: use eye cream on your lips, and they’ll never get chapped, no matter how cold and dry it is outside!
What three products are in your Ultimate Beauty Arsenal--those items you just can't live without?
I won't leave the house without doing my eyebrows, putting on mascara, and spraying on a bit of perfume. I use an eyebrow pencil for my brows (I've been using Wet-n-Wild's Color Icon Brow & Eye Liner in Dark Brown for YEARS. My favorite mascara right now is Sephora's Outrageous Curl - Dramatic Volume and Curve Mascara. I wear several perfumes at a time. I recently purchased Burberry's My Burberry perfume, and I love it, especially for nighttime. My signature fragrance is Chloe Eau de Parfum. I wore it when I got engaged and when I got married, and it's become my everyday fragrance.
A couple of final questions: Without giving away the farm (because we know that you get paid for blog coaching), what is the single most important piece of advice that you would give to women who are new to blogging or social media and are nervous about getting started?
Just start, and when you do, be true to your personality and your brand. I think bloggers forget that the Internet is a HUGE place, and there’s room for every voice. Your unique voice is important, and your future audience can’t wait to hear it! You’ll cheat yourself out of building a really dynamic online community if your blog just copies a voice that’s already out there.
Is there anything else that you would like to share with us?
I’ve had the opportunity to talk to some really amazing women through the Dream Job series on The Feisty House, and through social media, I’ve also gotten to meet women who are interested in becoming entrepreneurs themselves. I want to take the conversation offline and create a community where entrepreneurs (and women who are interested in starting their own businesses) can meet and inspire each other. So this February or March, I’m hosting my very first #DreamJobBrunch in NYC! We’ll get together and talk about our ideas, share business tips and tricks, network and just have a good time over good food. If you’re in NYC and want to attend, be sure to sign up for emails from The Feisty House so that you’re the first to know the details!
Learn more about Krystal at TheFeistyHouse.com, and you can connect with her for great social content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.