How did the Sunny Isle brand get its start?
Growing up in Jamaica, Castor Oil is a part of our culture. It was a staple product in our household and I can't remember a time not having it around. There was a connection with the way the women in my family would use it to heal and treat, and the delicious burnt smell is a fond nostalgic childhood aroma. When I came to the states I would frequent the Sunny Isle area of Florida with my friends and my now wife. The area became a favorite area to hang out. So when I was deciding on a business venture, I lead with passion. I combined two things that were close to my heart that reminded me of great things - Jamaican Black Castor Oil and Sunny Isle. I combined two things I loved to create the best Jamaican Black Castor Oil worldwide.
What makes Jamaican Black Castor Oil that is processed the "old fashioned Jamaican way" superior to other types of processing?
Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil is produced the “old fashioned way," it's unrefined. Our organic seeds are roasted and ground in a manual fashion, then boiled to extract the 100% pure and dark oil. The longer the beans are roasted, the more ash content is produced, for a more robust, and potent oil. The more ash, the darker the color--as with our Extra Dark and our Regular. We couple the "old-fashioned" processing with our proprietary signature manufacturing for the best Jamaican Black Castor Oil on the market, Sunny Isle. We're also the ONLY Jamaican Black Castor Oil approved for export by the Jamaican Government. No other Jamaican Black Castor Oil can say that.
Our July/August subscribers are receiving a deluxe sample size of Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil. How can they incorporate it into their summer beauty routines?
Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil is your summer beauty routine go-to. For hair, use as a moisturizer or deep conditioner for your wash and go, or daily application for hair line growth by fall. For skin, it balances eczema, acne and psoriasis; and can also be used as an amazing daily moisturizer to rid of summer heat related germs. As a foot worthy bonus, our oils will soften rough skin and dry calluses for softer sandal pretty feet (for men and women).
What are some of the ways Jamaican Castor Oil can foster a healthy scalp?
Sunny Isle JBCO fosters a healthy scalp because it is rich in Omega-9 fatty acids. The oil has fungal and germicidal properties, such as ricinoleic acid, to protect the scalp and hair from microbial and fungal infections, a big contributor to hair loss. Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil is known to cleanse the scalp of impurities that inhibit growth--this is why Sunny Isle JBCO stimulates growth. Used daily, you'll see results in 14 days.
Are there long-term benefits for skincare?
Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil is great for skin, ideal for breakouts or acne. It helps to balance the production of sebum, which is linked to acne. Sunny Isle JBCO helps restore pH balance. Any one of our oils can be used for skin but we recommend Ylang Ylang for acne specific skin. It reduces acne without drying like many other acne treatments.
All of our oils are ideal for normal skin as well. They can be used as an oil cleanser, and day or night oil moisturizer. Used consistently, you'll see long-term benefits. Your skin will be rid of acne, stay well balanced and be moisturized for younger looking skin.
Many essential oils can be used both internally and externally--can Jamaican Castor Oil be taken as an oral supplement as well?
Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oils are 100% Natural. Our oils are sold to support amazing benefits for hair, body and skin. Our products are not intended for internal consumption.
Learn more about Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil at their website, and follow them on Facebook and Twitter (follow their custom hashtags: #SunnyIsleJBCO and #theONLYJBCO).