How did you become so passionate about toxin-free, cruelty-free products and recyclable packaging?
I have always felt passionate about all natural and cruelty-free products. I was raised on a farm in a small town in the Pinelands of south Jersey, where just about everything about our lifestyle was all natural and organic. When I left home, although I maintained a healthy lifestyle per se, I got caught up in the designer trend and trained and worked for the heavy hitters in the industry. I saw all that was questionable and wrong with the formulation of cosmetics and beauty treatment products and desired to do something about it. I thought that even the smallest attempts could make a difference. I've seen it all and I've come full circle. I realize that all of those years deep in the industry were an educational process. I was watching and learning and beginning to see the Emperor was without new clothes.
Tell us about some of the awards and accolades Jersey Shore Cosmetics has received for its all-natural products.
Jersey Shore Cosmetics is top rated a score of 0-1, with the Environmental Working Group. (EWG.org,) That’s 0-1, risk of toxins in our products. Our anti-aging sunscreen was chosen to top PETA Living's Summer Must Haves list, 2013. It also appeared in the gift bags for the PETA Convention at the History Center in Georgia that year. The president of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) was the key speaker at that convention. Jersey Kids® Petrochemical-free sunscreen is also top rated 1, by The Environmental Working Group. (EWG.org) Jersey Kids® was also voted #1 all Purpose Sunscreen by Livestrong.com, in 2013.
Jersey Shore Cosmetics is partnered with HCHW.org. (Healthy Child Healthy World) They are a non- profit that is passionate about keeping kids’ products non-toxic and safe.
Other organizations that I/my company supports are GRASP.org, (Global and Regional Asperger's Syndrome Partnership) Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund, (Yes, still) Community Food Bank of New Jersey, PETA.org, EWG.org, HCHW.org, 1% for the Planet and Go Forward Educational Foundation.org, which awards educational scholarships.
What are some of the ways in which skin responds better to products that are non-GMO and free of Petrochemicals, Parabens, and phthalates?
Your skin and your body respond better to products formulated without Petrochemicals, Parabens, and phthalates because these ingredients can irritate and deteriorate the skin, causing premature aging, as well as cause hormone disruption. There's a saying; "What you put on your skin goes in your skin"; Actually, it not only goes in your skin, it goes into your body, into your bloodstream. In my opinion, bad sunscreens are some of the worst offenders, especially for females. These ingredients can cause and aggravate endometriosis, disrupt hormones, attribute to low birth rates and birth defects and cause serious illness. It's obvious that your skin would respond better to products that are free of these ingredients. I would like to recommend that you read your labels and pay close attention to what you put on and in your body.
Our November subscribers are receiving a Deluxe Sample of your Anti-Aging Sunscreen Stick SPF 30. Can you tell us why it's so important to continue to use sunscreen even in the fall and winter seasons?
Of course: it's important to use sunscreen all year around, because the sun's rays are present even when it's cloudy and overcast. Very often, we don't feel the heat of the sun on a cool fall or winter day, therefore we tend to ignore the fact that it's affecting us. Daily sunscreen use is necessary for maximum health benefits. Be mindful of the sun shining through your car's window while driving, and of the sun's reflection off of snow in the winter. There are many reasons to wear your sunscreen all year around. Doing so may help prevent premature aging and health issues related to over exposure to the sun. Of course, Jersey Shore Cosmetics Anti-aging Mineral Sunscreen is the best choice. It's all natural, without Petrochemicals, Parabens, and phthalates and fragrance. This JSC sunscreen stick carries EWG.org’s top score of zero (zero toxins). It's portable, so there's no excuse not to have it on you at all times. For best results, apply to clean, moisturized skin and blend in well with the warmth of your fingers. This sunscreen stick sample is great for around the eyes and temples where one would tend to get fine, expression lines.
Your spa line includes a hand crafted chocolate soap that's described as smelling "good enough to eat". Where did the idea come from for such a fun food-inspired product?
Our spa chocolate soap started as a consideration for my Jersey Kids® brand. It smells so delicious because it's made with all natural ingredients, including real chocolate extract! It has real cocoa grains on one side, which acts as an exfoliator, so I figured that it would make a better "adult" soap. It does smell yummy and kids would love it, but the side with cocoa grains may be a little abrasive for young kids. I'm adding an all natural peppermint and a lavender soap to the kid's line to make up for taking their chocolate soap. Lol! My soaps are made with all natural ingredients and no artificial fragrance.
Miss out on our November box? You can buy this award-winning sunscreen in the COCOTIQUE Shop. And learn more about Jersey Shore Cosmetics at their website, or follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.