In a few sentences, please tell us a little about yourself and your blog?
My name is Erin Bailey and my blog is Scandalous Beauty. I’m a social media manager by day. My blog focuses on makeup reviews for women of color. However, I’m excited to do more tutorials—not only for makeup, but also for locs! I also sprinkle blog tips in there too.
What are 3 products in your ultimate beauty arsenal and why?
Oh man, this is a toughie! Definitely MAC Volcanic Ash Exfoliator. Your skin feels so smooth after you use it! Makeup Forever Face & Body Foundation gives great coverage, and it’s water resistant. Black Radiance cream eyeliner lasts just as long as the pricey department store brands, and costs less than $5!
Probably Mally Beauty Evercolor Poreless Face Defender. It’s a clear substance that comes in a compact and completely eliminates shine for hours. I take it everywhere.
If you had 2 hours to pick out an outfit from head to toe, where would you shop?
J. Crew!
What bit of advice would you give to all women?
There’s always room to grow. Never stop learning.
What is the one skincare/hair care/fashion trick every woman should know?
Patterns make you look thicker! If you want to show off your frame, take that route.
What do you look for in your skincare products?
Well, I’m not really great at this yet. I don’t really know what ingredients to look for, so I like to try everything out in trial sizes first. If not, I go to the store and have to test out the product, at least on my hand. I always look up reviews on multiple sites to get other people’s opinions too.
What cosmetic ingredient(s) do you avoid and why?
I avoid silicone. I’m not totally sure why I’m supposed to, but I hear it’s bad!
Do you have a Sunday night or weekend beauty regimen? If so, what is it?
I totally want to start a regimen. I’d like to put on a mask or peel and do my nails once a week. Otherwise, I neglect both my nails and the mask until it’s far too late. Maybe I’ll start soon!
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