We were thrilled to be able to pick Egypt’s brain about balancing motherhood and career, how she became an advocate for home ownership, and how she cares for herself with such a busy schedule, including, of course-what’s in her Ultimate Beauty Arsenal.
What is a typical day like for Egypt Sherrod?
Each day is different. Some days are centered on servicing the clients of The Egypt Sherrod Real Estate Group which is my national real estate concierge company. Other days involve traveling and filming my TV show "Property Virgins" on HGTV. We are currently in the middle of filming season 11 so I'm running my business from the road with the help of my team. On top of all of that I'm still the mommy to a wonderfully brilliant 2-year-old daughter named Kendall and she requires loads of energy and attention.

Did you always know you wanted to be a host and multimedia personality? Or did it take you awhile to determine your career path?
Absolutely NOT! This was the farthest thing from my imagination. I was a shy person so becoming a media personality didn't even seem like it was in the cards for me. I thought I would be a paralegal or something...LOL. It only proves how we can have a plan for our lives, and then GOD has a plan for our lives. I'll opt for his plan anytime.
Of which career achievements are you most proud so far?
Wow....well in my 20 year broadcast career I have had the incredible opportunity to sit and interview Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo Dicaprio and Prince. Oprah was a dream come true because she is literally my EVERYTHING. Prince was out of this world crazzzzy for me because I loved him since I was a child. He showed up in my studio totally as a surprise to me. Apparently he was listening to my radio show and decided to pay me an unexpected visit. Then he sat with me for 45 minutes and dared me to sing on stage with him at Madison Square garden during his concert in 2011. That was just a surreal experience. It gets no bigger than Prince.
Your foundation, the "Egypt Cares Family Foundation", aims to bridge socio-economic gaps within the urban family structure. How did aiding in this issue become a passion for you?
I am an advocate for homeownership and financial empowerment. I decided a few years ago that I wanted to leave an imprint on this world that was much bigger than my career. To show people how to take control of their finances, their credit, their future, is such a rewarding experience for all involved. I remember how it felt when I got the keys to my first property. I felt like I could take over the world and I want everyone to feel that level of financial empowerment. It’s important that we can pass down more than debt or words of wisdom to our children. We should be able to pass down a financial foundation and then hopefully a legacy. It’s vital that we start to understand wealth management. You don't have to be rich to start getting a financial education.
How do you balance being a mother with hosting a successful show, making appearances as a real estate expert, working with your foundation, being a community advocate and all the other "hats" you wear?
A great support system and a tight calendar are key! lolol.... Luckily my mother is retired and my daughter is not of school age yet. So many times they both travel with me and get to experience many different cities and wonderful places.
What advice would you give to other working mothers about creating balance between their careers and their families?
It’s not easy, but I gave up wearing an "S" on my chest last year. Our first mistake as mothers sometimes is that we think we have to be a SUPERWOMAN. That's a joke. It's realistic that you will have rough days; it's realistic that you may need support and understanding. If you don't bend you'll break. Don't forget to take time out for yourself. If you are not doing good for yourself then you won't be any good to your family. Get a massage or facial as often as possible!! Get a good night's sleep. And cut people out of your life who are draining you dry. You don't need any distractions when you have your hands full already with kids and a career.
What types of advice do you/will you give your daughter for the future?
Follow your heart and your gut at all times. Don't chase money, chase your passion. Stress really does age you quickly so don't worry, be happy. Always trust your momma, I love you and I do know best. And keep GOD ahead of all things.
Let's talk fashion and beauty. What is your off-camera beauty routine like?
When I'm off camera I try not to wear makeup. I need to give my skin some down time. I usually scrub with apricot scrub and then moisturize with Aquaphor. I look like a piece of fried chicken but it’s the best! I also try to stay hydrated by drinking tons of water. Outside of cranberry juice, water is pretty much the only thing I drink. Hair wise I keep it trimmed and usually pin curl it while I sleep to keep the body and bounce.
What three products are in your Ultimate Beauty Arsenal--those beauty items you just can't live without?
Ben Nye concealer, Laura Gellar bronzer and Mac lipglass of alllllll colors.
What's the best beauty secret your mother ever shared with you?
Coconut oil. It’s incredible for all things beauty related. You can use it on your skin and on your hair. Eating it is even great for you. But it MUST be in its pure form, none of that synthetic or processed stuff.
Learn more about Egypt at her website EgyptSherrodRealEstate.com, and follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.