How do you nourish your hair, skin, and soul? As you know, COCOTIQUE is all about self-care and we love introducing our subscribers to self-care products and tips each month that they can add to their beauty arsenals. We also love it when our brand partners share their beauty secrets with us. Not only did we team up with Reshma Beauty for the July Reshma Beauty Takeover Box, their Founder, and CEO, Reshma Dordi has revealed her effortless, Ayurveda 7-step beauty routine that can make you feel beautiful inside and out. Find out how you can incorporate these beauty tips in your life and nourish your hair, skin, and soul.
1. Warm Water
Start your morning off with a warm cup of water. Warm water is great for digestion and even better for your skin. We love our Ayurveda-inspired ingredients here at Reshma Beauty, adding in what is known as Golden Honey which is the combination of turmeric and honey. Their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties with a bit of lemon added in make for the perfect morning treat. A good gut is amazing for your skin, as well as your internal functioning. When both are happy and healthy, they work well in your favor.
2. Vitamins
We believe in clean beauty from the inside out. A way about this is through consuming all your necessary vitamins, whether it's through a balanced diet or taking supplemental vitamins like B complex or folic acid for your hair and skin.
3. Massaging your scalp
For strong thick hair, massage hair and scalp with Henna Oil at least once or twice a week. The most important thing is the massage because it is critical to stimulate the hair follicles as it increases blood flow and circulation in your scalp.
4. Cold Water rinses
Just like washing your face, you first wash with warm water to open your pores, and after using your Kale Face Wash, rinse with cold water to seal your pores; you do the same with your hair. Wash with warm water to open the pores in your hair follicles, shampoo, then condition it to moisturize, then close your hair pores with a cold rinse. This is extremely effective to seal in the moisture to make your hair nice and shiny.
5. The secret to great healthy and shiny hair
is a healthy diet, all your vitamins, and hydrate and moisturize your hair regularly.
6. Oils for the Body
To achieve a beautiful, ethereal glow, before getting out of the shower, lather your body in essentials oils to restore moisture and elasticity. Massaging essential oils like Basil Oil mixed with Jojoba Oil, as a carrier oil to promote circulation and protect the skin’s barriers after washing. These oils also hydrate the skin making it intensely smooth and soft.
7. Lastly, stress management
It is important to find ways to wind down to help you feel fulfilled and rejuvenated. Whether it be dancing, music, exercise, yoga, meditation, or something else that makes your heart sing, it is vital to destress because those effects show up in your hair, skin, and nails through undereye bags, flakey skin, and acne. So, find your peace and have a healthy glow.
To keep up with Reshma Beauty, you can follow them on Facebook , Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube.